Shaping AI is a multi-national and multi-disciplinary social research project

Our comparative analysis will enable us to understand the differences and similarities in the construction of AI as a new scientific paradigm, societal force and contested political reality in these four countries by contextualizing their geo-political, historical and situational peculiarities. Funded by the European Open Research Area initiative for a period of three years (February 2021 – February 2024), Shaping AI brings together leading research teams from each of the four countries under scrutiny.

Our project aims to be critical, comparative, qualitative, and to this end, we have adopted a four-dimensional research design, with the four teams collaborating to map and analyse AI controversies in and across four different spheres in which public discourse about AI has taken shape in the last ten years: media, policy, research and participation.

Posts in Life of Project

(de)Stabilizing Diffusions

A 10-day public exhibition dissecting the role of art in the publicity of AI at the Society for Arts and […]


(un)Stable Diffusions

Rens Dimmendaal & Johann Siemens / Better Images of AI / Decision Tree reversed / Licenced by CC-BY 4.0 A two-day international symposium on AI’s publics, […]


‘Shifting AI Controversies’ Conference

Datum: 29. January 2024 – 30. January 2024 Time: 09:00 Street: Reichpietschufer 50 Location: Berlin Social Science Center (WZB) On behalf of the international […]

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Doing Participation in the Midst of Algorithm Troubles

Meunier, Axel. (forthcoming)

‘Doing Participation in the Midst of Algorithm Troubles’. In New Experimental Research in Design, Birkhäuser. Board of International Research in Design, 2024.

Fighting in the dark: How Europeans push back against rogue AI

Naira, B., Kayser-Bril, N., Saliou, M. & Yanchur, A. (Feb 2024)

Fighting in the dark: How Europeans push back against rogue AI. Algorithm watch. 

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Towards scaling in action: Social sciences and the futurity of contemporary AI large Models

Goujon, V. & Chartier-Edwards, N. (Janvier 2024)

Towards scaling in action: Social sciences and the futurity of contemporary AI large Models. Conférence « Shifting AI Controversies – Prompts, Provocations & Problematisations for Society-Centered AI  », Berlin Social Science Center.

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